Spring's here!
Look at the weather bar on top! spring is here! no more negative temperatures and wearing 4 layers! the weather now is just like a colder version of LT7A. i can even wear shorts and a jacket out to the laundry house! perfect. I hope the weather stays like that for a long long time!
Let's just compare the view outside my window!
Here's what it was like a few weeks ago..
all gloooomy and grey..
sunny and cheery!
Some photos of our surroundings..
budding branches..beach volley court in the middle of nowhere..student pub..and big green field!!

I had my 2nd and last exam of this period on tuesday..and this time round i got a shot of the exam hall! haha..it's kind of like MPSH but the toilets are inside the hall itself (the left side of the photo) and you don't have to sign in sign out..
and to show how big the desks are..
if only the MPSH desks are so big too! tsk tsk.
and some shots of the little park in school on a bright sunny day..
just a simple pond and green green grass and some ducks! yes..the 2 birds in the bottom photo are ducks that i scared away when trying to take a photo of them waddling in a little puddle. they eventually landed on the other side of the pond. haha..it's fun to chase ducks!

and this is Hemköp where we do our grocery shopping at everyday. it's read as Ham shop and when we first got here and were still ignorant about the way swedish vowels are read, we thought the place was really named HamShop.

Some swedish snacks..
this is hard bread. It's actually like biscuits but less dense..like dry bread but yummier. it's great with jam! i like.
something even better! marabou chocolate! i think helnöt is hazelnut. whatever nut it is, it's delicious. tastes kind of like rocher. they really should start importing these chocalates in singapore! i'll buy tonnes of them when i'm going home. haha.
and this week, i baked twice! it's becoming an addiction.
cornflake cookies! which got wiped out in 2 days..but fear not!
cocoa sugar cookies quickly filled up the cookie container and are already half gone! if only i have a mixer and more tools. instead of just a big orange mixing bowl and a fork!
and foods worth mentioning! 
beautiful looking bowl of noodles bb cooked..
bacon prawns, oven fried cornflake fish, yummy spaghetti and my favourite photo so far! curry rice with brocolli, carrots, crumbled bacon and cheesy crabstick and falukorv omelette!

we're off to riga for the weekend..so expect another super long entry sometime next week! have a good weekend everyone!
luv, jL!
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