part 4 of 2 weeks in east europe
YAY! part 4, aka the final part is finally here, 1 mth after we returned! we have been to many more places since then..i have to go on a blogging spree!

foodwise, poland again meant donuts for me and zapiekanka for the guys, which we didn't wait to buy! the zapiekankas are as good but the donuts are no match for the famous ones in warsaw. i want more! roar! there are 2 famous tours in Krakow. one's the wieliczka salt mine and another's the auschwitz concentration camp. we decided to go for the salt mine since it's indoors and the bad weather wouldn't affect us. we would have went for both if not for the high cost. i really want to see what's auschwitz like but i guess it's quite morbid and depressing.
here's the outside of the salt mine. it's about a half an hour drive away from town. and for those who are going there to visit, don't buy tickets from the one that's posting advertisements everywhere. there's another one that's cheaper for students right on the spot of the meeting point of the more advertised one. ask me for the street! i'm lazy to find it now.
the salt mine was quite disappointing 'coz its a little too manmade and touristy. instead of seeing the mining process, we were visiting more salt sculptures and cathedrals. but the main cathedral's really beautiful. and the fact that everything is carved out of salt is quite amazing. there really is salt along the walls and it's really salty. haha. the lift we took to get back from the bottom of the mine to the top was scary and the most exciting part of the trip. but it's a good thing we went for it 'coz the weather got even worse when we got out.
its a good thing Krakow has a huge shopping mall! the first and last time i've been in such a huge one since i came to europe. it's just like the Singapore ones. i miss vivo! we spent some time having lunch and shopping around before heading back to the hostel. i got some pull n bear t-shirts and a skirt for 50sgd. much cheaper than in Singapore. i would have bought more if not for the long queues for the changing room!
we went to an Irish pub that night to catch the man u vs roma match. it's really fun 'coz the crowd is crazy. there were men dressed in irish kilts and cheering and singing just like in the stadium. and it was a crazy match too! trashing! totally worth our money and walking in the rain!
the next morning when we set out from the hostel, there was this man just outside dribbling a soccer ball and doing tricks. he's really good at it. it's a good thing these people actually do something to get the money instead of just holding a cup begging for some.
we then visited a synagogue for the first time. the inside of a synagogue is simple and peaceful. not lavish sculptures, etc. it's interesting to see something different apart from the many churches and cathedrals we have been to. we visited another cemetary which was neater and less destroyed. this is 'coz it was buried during world war 2 which helped it to escape destruction. oh..when visiting jewish places of worship, men have to cover their heads, so remember it if you're visiting any.
we all had a nice long zapiekanka for lunch. we really should open a zapiekanka shop in Singapore. it's delicious and filling.
after visiting the Jewish quarters, we visited the Wawel Castle, a storybook like castle which was too expensive to go into the interior! but the flowers were beautiful there and there was a wawel dragon dungeon. haha.
we managed to walk into the cathedral without paying and were caught only on our way out but the man couldn't really be bothered. just told us to get a ticket at the building 50m from there. hah. the cathedral's really grand and had multiple chapels with the tombs of royalties and bishops. there's even a piece of dragon bone hanging at the door. the whole cathedral's a little too luxuriously decorated for me. the entire altar's made of gold. the whole building looks really interesting with all the chapels of different styles sticking out of its sides.
on our way to the next stop, we saw these cutely dressed men along the park and snapped a shot of them. i didn't realize that one of them waved until i saw this photo. haha. cute.
the next stop is the pope window from which the late pope sang and talked to the people during a visit to krakow. the portrait of him makes it look as if he's really in the window.
back to the town square. the town square is the largest in europe during medieval times. and it really is huge! and a part of it is filled in to make the whole square level. the church at the bottom right was much larger and only the top of it is left now. the town hall only has its tower left sticking out and the marketplace too. i wonder what made them do such a strange thing. would have been nice to see the entire square as it was.
here's the square when it was rainy and gloomy. doesn't look as nice as it did when it was sunny. there was also much more activity when it was sunny. oh ya..souveniors in Krakow are really cheap. buy more if you go there! haha.
the Krakow theatre's facade's really interesting. the art noveau faces all had different expressions. totally fitting for a theatre.
and we boarded the overnight train that night to Gdansk to catch our flight back to Sweden finally. it was a really cool trip which got us addicted to backpacking. haha. and YAY! i'm finally done blogging about this trip!! after so long. haha. hope you guys have enjoyed reading about it! there are more photos uploaded here. =)
luv, jL
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