Pearline's Visit, Norrkoping, Gamla Linkoping and a Chicken Rice Party!
Pearline came to visit from Stockholm on thursday till sunday. We had a plenty lot of fun and the weather was great!
On Friday, we visited Norrköping, a town about 40 minutes away from Linköping. We took the campus bus there which was free and pearline had to fake that she is a Liu student. Hehe. but it worked! Norrköping is smaller than Linköping we were told that its a prettier place and it is true!

Here are some buildings around Norrköping. The first few are of a synagogue in Norrköping but it wasnt open so we couldnt go in. The statue is in a park near town. The park should be very pretty in summer. We will go back to see it! The cathedral at the bottom is huge. A little smaller than Linköping cathedral but almost as nice. But we didnt get to go in 'coz it was closed. =(

After having a lunch at a pasta shop, we wandered into Gamla Stan, the old town. It's really small and didn't have much. A shop that sells children, haha, a shop that sells very cute kids stuff, chocolate shop, and some little castle lookalike buildings. There was also a cathedral which had a very big key hole on its main door! I wonder how big the key is.

Norrkoping's main form of transport is the Tram! That's something that Linkoping doesn't have. In summer, they will put one of the old old old Trams back in service! I wanna ride that tram!

The shopping region there had 3 main shopping malls. I think the shopping there is better! With more and bigger stores than Stora Torget at Linkoping. I shall take the bus there to shop when i feel like it!

Before returning back to Linkoping, we stumbled upon 2 museums. Norrkoping has a canal running through it and it used to be a textile industrial town so there are a couple of dams. The water's all yellow and dirty looking the canal is still wider than Singapore River and faster moving. Haha. One of the museums had all the big machines that the old textile industries used to use. It's interesting. I'd like to see them in action!
We went back to Linkoping and had a good dinner of Bee Hoon Mee soup with mixed seafood soup! yummy yummy.

And we finally opened my precious can of Kaya on saturday morning for breakfast! Yummy! and we got prawn sticks from the asian shop!
Pearline and me went shopping on saturday at downtown and we bought so much stuff! I haven't spent so much money nor shopped so much in a very long time! It was super fun and the weather was perfect and town was at its most crowded! But the photos are with Pearline. haha. i'll add some when i get them.
On saturday evening, we had a little party with Luca, my italian friend and Martin and Daniel, our german friends! We made them some Hainanese Chicken Rice, Tom Yum Soup with Wanton, Cai Po Egg and green bean soup! The chicken rice this time was much better than the previous time. They all liked it! yay!

We sat around and chat till about 12am! It was great fun. We'll do this again soon.
On Sunday, we visited Gamla Linköping, Old Linköping. The weather was pretty cold at first but it became really sunny after awhile! Wonderful!

It's an open air museum. The buildings were moved there from downtown when new buildings were built and these were to be torn down.

This is the first house we saw. There was a bicycle exhibition and the bicycle in the bottom left photo is so weird looking! I wonder if anyone really rode it.

This is some somebody's house opposite the big red one. The little house should be the kitchen or something. The house is quite huge! and looks quite nice too.

Up the street was a little chapel with some sheeps outside. The house on the bottom left are toilets. And yes. they are all working and have new toilet bowls.

And this, is the Chocolate shop! Alot of cheap cloetta chocolates! Easter is coming and there are very cute chick and chicken shaped chocolates and chocolate egg shells with little chocolate beans inside! So cute!

Here are some random buildings around gamla. It's amazing how well built these houses are. They are all the original houses refurbished. They were moved either whole from downtown on a trailer or taken apart then put together again.

This is a printing shop. They had old machines from like 1800s onwards and the machines all still work! The man working there showed us how the machines worked and it's unbelievable how they came up with such technology ages ago! The man was very nice and showed us around the place. And there's even moose shit paper in the shop! They also printed serviettes and cards the traditional way. Looks like fun.

This is inside the old grocery shop. The granny working there was also very adorable. She told us that she used to wear those black clogs when she was a little girl and they're very comfortable. And for those who don't know, Lakerol is from Sweden..check out the top left corner's a Lakerol dispenser from the 1900s!
Make a guess about what this is!
It's a bowling alley! It's not in operation during winter. We'll get a shot of it complete with the balls and pins during summer! 
Chestnuts! very very big chestnuts!

And we even went to school at gamla. Haha. There were classrooms from 1800s till 1900s. The teachers last time were not allowed to marry and were given little money. So poor thing. And Teacher Yz was teaching student jL and pearline geography on the old map and globe! haha. And the doorway was so short. It's a little bit shorter than bb. Arent swedish supposed to be really tall???
We walked back to Ryd the back and i realized that Gamla is like 10 minutes away from Uni! and the red houses behind Unis are actually stables. The nature is really refreshing there. And the little houses at the bottom left belong to people who don't have gardening space in their apartments and they buy this little plot of land and build a little house to be their garden. Sweden has too much land!
Yeps! That's all for the weekend! Hope you had a good time, Pearline! See you in stockholm soon k!
luv, jL!
Bb's B'day!
It was bb's 24th birthday on the 21st of March which was last wednesday! I should have blogged earlier but i simply havent found the time to!
Anyway, we returned on Monday evening to find Bb's birthday card from his family in the mailbox! Here's him with the card and opening the card!

Since we're on a budget and he didn't want me to buy him anything big, i got him the cap he liked in riga and some t-shirts from H&M that he chose! and i attempted to bake tiramisu cupcakes without the rum!
The cakes were good according to bb! Yay! first attempt at baking cupcakes!
And birthday mee sua! with minced meat and egg. Tradition's always the best.
And dinner! Very yummy phad thai, ABC soup and portobello stuffed with minced meat!
Happy birthday BB!! Hope you enjoyed ur birthday in Sweden!
luv, jL!
Riga: old buidings, cheap cakes, great hostel.
The post on Riga is finally here! i just spent 2 days collaging and uploading the photos. haha.
Last weekend, we went to Riga, the capital of Latvia. Some trivia: Latvia has a female president and their currency is as strong as the british pound. It's on the border of russia, across the baltic sea from finland. and of course, it was part of the soviet union and the closest to russia we can get without spending a bomb. it wasn't the best trip but it's an experience.
the problem with linköping is that the airport with the budget flights is 1.5 hrs and 199SEK away from here. fortunately, Rongwei found a way to save us 50SEK by going to nyköping then taking their local bus to skavsta airport. we left for nyköping at 930 am and spent some time walking around and having lunch there.

the candies in the top left corner looks yummy right, ah boy? hehe. i didn't eat it. probably too expensive. there was a little bazaar near the church near the main square in nykoping with a store selling flowers that look like the singing ones in alice in wonderland.

we had lunch at this pizzeria opened by the iraqi man in the bottom right photo. he has a vietnamese wife! he offered us a great deal..55Sek for a pizza and a canned drink. and the pizza was huge and delicious.

here's our ryanair flight! we eventually got there at about 6pm.

Riga airport which is relatively small for such a rich country. Now i know why singapore airport is one of the world's best.

and on our bus ride to the hostel. the buses there still operate with a conductor going around collecting money and issuing tickets.

and this is their central bus and train station which houses a shopping mall and is much much bigger than their airport! and it's open till 10pm! so much better compared to the other european countries where everything closes by 6 or 7.

This is the hostel we stayed at. It's in a quiet corner 10 mins away from the bus station. and it was quite difficult to find it. but it's a really nice place with clean and big rooms.

there was an asian restaurant in Origo (the trainstation) which was quite expensive but has surprisingly good business. there's also their version of watsons! and cuttlefish to go with beer!

dinner was at one of their fast food chains, chicko chicken. haha. it's quite cheap. like about 1sgd for a burger and it's not too bad.

and we returned to the hostel after dinner with some really really cheap beers to have a beer sampling session. the beers were really good for their 1sgd prices and there were about 20-30 brands of beers on sale! and that's Kristelle, a french teacher based in estonia whom we met at the hostel and i had a nice chat with.

a couple of shots of the surroundings of the hostel. and the super expensive money. haha. you basically just need to use coins over there. and a huge crowd waiting outside the cinema for it to open at 10am on a Sunday!

there are alot of casinos around. like about every street and corner. maybe that's where the money goes to.

and alot of Art Noveau buildings. Art Noveau is a style of architecture where they use alot of expression. like the very expressive face in the photo.

here's the opera house and it's surroundings. it's one of the nicer buildings around there. and clean looking too. the weather then was perfect. sunny and not very cold.

this is the freedom monument near the opera house. there are 2 guards standing in front of the monument and alot of flowers at the base of the monument. it's like their version of statue of liberty.

this is the Laima clock near the monument. It was donated by the Laima chocolate company. and it supposedly appeared in the llama song?? haha.

and here's in the park nearby too. there was a really cool bridge there where people locked alot alot alot of locks on the railing. i think it's some love bridge or something. and there were very old locks..probably 30 or 40 years old! cool.

this is the gunpowder tower which is now the museum of war. the exhibits are quite interesting but all in latvian so we didn't understand. the auntie is one of the many working over there and she was so happy that i took a photo with her. damn cute. haha. the porcupine at the bottom is made of dried pines i think. interesting.

some random shots around the old town. an old building given a new lease of life with a coat of purple paint, their parliament right next to a church, church in service, and the 3 brothers which are just 3 buildings from different times. and a BMW police car! europeans and their european cars.

by this time, the weather had taken a turn for the worse. drizzling and windy and cold! =( that explains the disgusted look. and just shots of nice looking buildings and a super old one.

we sought refuge in a little bakery by the road. the pastries we bought were not more than 50 cents each and were delicious! just look at that cute little boy staring at the cakes. i love that photo!

we next hid in some random building. then we found the house of blackheads after we went out. and visited the museum next to it. it had exhibits about the war, like real nazi flag and stuff.

and this is my favourite photo of the trip. this man is actually a guard there but he looks like a life exhibit!

and this is st. peters church. you can pay to go up the tower for a birds eye view of the place but the shitty weather wasn't worth it. we had to pay to go into the place and to take photos too so we didn't go in. just at the entrance. looks like any other church anyway. the linkoping cathedral looks nicer.

a materrazzi parked at the size of the road! i know my spelling is wrong but i can't be bothered to find the right one. and a cheap but good chocolate bar there. i think it was about 50 cents sgd. and the "cat house" which is basically a black cat perched on the top of the building. when the owner of the place got exiled, he ordered the cat to be turned the other way. but it has been turned back 'coz his exile got lifted.

i bought a pair of earrings from this granny. she's adorable isn't she? haha. i miss my ah ma!

and my sugar overdose in the form of an amaretto ice cream and cakes! the ice cream was yummy and about 2sgd while the cakes were about 1.50 each and delicious!

we had some latvian food for dinner. it was kind of like marche, where you take what you want then pay for it. the food is quite good. bb had his sa zham ba. haha. which isn't the belly meat but the ribs over here. the place was very nicely decorated and it was a good meal for about 10sgd each.

and we abandoned the plan to go clubbing after dinner 'coz the streets were quiet and we didn't want to risk it being the only asians there and very easy to spot. instead, we went back to the supermarket to get some beers and food but it was after 10 and this cashier started walking around and taking beers out of people's hands. it's crazy. but we still had some jim bean and great fun playing blackjack and drinking weird concoctions like milk, apple juice with coke.

the next morning, we went to check out the central market behind origo. it's a market place spanning a few old hangars and it's really a market. there are meat stalls, pastry stalls, bread stalls, cheese stalls, fruits, veges, clothes, everything! we ate a cake and a pastry there. yums. about 50cents sgd each again! that's like about the only good thing about the place. oh! and the butcher stall sold huge pig ears..bigger than ur palm and pig snouts and also ox tongues. gross.

after the market, we went to check out this building that looked really nice from far. it's actually just a bank building but it looked cool. the area we went to was more or a residential area and the buildings there all had alot alot of chimneys. quite interesting.

and the next stop was the orthodox church. pretty building with very nice paintings inside but we couldn't take photos inside.

and some last minute fooding! more yummy cakes from the same shop as before, SMACKS! cereal i havent seen in ages, a huge chicken drumstick for bb at about 2.40sgd..and mini austinas at 1.50 for 100grams. delicious stuff!

and finally on our way back! the airport chairs has footstools too. it's a pretty good idea since we gotta wait for quite awhile for boarding!
and yup! that's all for riga! =))
luv, jL