snow's melting!
but! next week will be colder yet and that means fresh snow! haha..i'm turning into a weather reporter but knowing the weather over here is important so that you know how many layers to wear 'coz the temperature indoors can make wearing 20 layers uncomfortable while wearing 3 layers outdoors can kill you.
other than the nice, comfortable weather, this week has been pretty uneventful judging from the photos in my camera..most of the photos are of food.
well, i've paid the bills finally! it costs 5.50 to pay each bill here! fancy charging you to pay your bills. bleah. and my visa card didn't work! thank you daddy for the back up amex card!
we went to ikea on saturday to get a frying pan after burning too many eggs on the spoilt frying pans in the kitchen. and the frying pans were on discount! yay! 49SEK (about 11 sgd) for a beautiful deep frying pan with cover! i love ikea!
here are a couple of photos i took on the way to ikea.
interesting cloud formations..looks like cotton candy after you pull it apart.
the train station which is also the bus interchange.
this one's for xueli. the buses here run on biogas too! so it's not only ur amanda train which i will take a photo of one day!
tekniska verken spewing out alot of white smog everyday of the week. tekniska verken is the local utilities company that does everything from energy production to biogas production to water purifying to waste recycling. if u're interested, here's their website:
ikea hotdogs! the bread for the hotdogs here are much smaller than the ones in singapore although the hotdogs are of the same size. it's about 1 sgd too. and the little ice cream is also 1sgd. the drinks can be refilled and the pizza slice is also 1sgd. it's like the cheapest food over here aside from potatoes. and the hot dogs taste the same as the ones in singapore. haha.
meals of the week:
Thursday: Phad Thai with big tiger prawns and chicken peanuts and boiled kailan with oyster sauce! i love the asian food bus that my thai friends introduced to me! there's this bus that comes around here every thursday and it's stocked with asian food, mainly from thailand. they have fresh veges, dried stuff, biscuits, pastes, frozen stuff and even joss sticks! here's my stash of asian junk food!
haha..pocky! yes! and chicken peanuts and rice crackers! the swedish cookies are nice but i like my pocky. =) aside from the junk food, we also got a huge bag of frozen tiger prawns which have been deveined and beheaded for about 20 sgd, a bag of kailan, a pack of pandan leaves which are so nice and huge, a packet of sago and dried guo tiao! i love the asian food bus!
Friday: Spaghetti with mushroom and chicken cream sauce with boiled carrots and brocolli. We had milk that was about to expire left so i got rid of it by making cream sauce. The carrots here are somehow exceptionally sweet. yummy.
Saturday: ABC soup with meatballs, prawns and guotiao. Armed with my new frying pan/wok, i cooked the simple soup with onions, carrots, potatoes and button mushrooms. the soup turned out sweet and tasty without adding any condiments! it's a nice, warm taste of home.
after last week's egg tarts as a cure to my homesickness, this week's cure was green bean soup.
haha..i was so happy when i found green beans here! now you know what the sago and pandan leaves are for. thank you mummy for the recipe!
aside from green bean soup, i also attempted to bake almond cookies which were successful other than the fact that they don't taste very almondish. haha..don't blame me. they don't sell almond powder here (my attempt to handcrush whole almonds failed). neither do they have almond extract. so, i used marzipan! and it just didn't have the strong almond taste.
but it looks good right?
and here's bb, happy with his heart shaped cookie.
which he promptly popped into his mouth.
and yup! we're happy here! but i still miss everyone at home! =)
luv, junli
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