weekend alone in sweden!
bb has gone to old trafford for the weekend to catch the man u match against portsmouth. so i'm left alone to my own devices for 3 days! what am i going to do! here's what..SATURDAY:
after looking at clothes in various stores and not buying any because i was too lazy to try them on, i went back to the donut shop i noticed last week and got myself some donuts. i ordered a hazelnut and a rose flavoured, but the guy ended up giving me a chocolate, a hazelnut and a rose flavoured and charged me for all three. i didn't want to hold up the queue by demanding he removed the chocolate. it's as if the gods wanted me to have more donuts! so why not! i promptly consumed the hazelnut (which is why there is no photo of it) which was delicious and kept the other two for later.
i continued to shop and shop and shop without buying anything! i had a bag, a fleece jacket and a men's scarf on my shopping list but i couldn't find anything that was nice and within budget. =(
i eventually found myself at the store i was at last week staring at the very nice red jacket which is now hanging on my closet door! in case anybody wanted to know, it's about 40 sgd. expensive but it's pretty and unique. hehe. girls and their excuses to buy stuff!
after my happy purchase, i went into another random store. this store had a huge basement selling lingerie! and the bras had cute little tags on them that told you what they were for. haha.
it was then, i realized the the moon could be seen even in this very bright and sunny day!
i decided that i've had enough walking and shopping in my boots and many layers of clothes and made my way to the bus stop. on my way there, i saw this woman with a very cute and white and fluffy dog that looked like hot dog from archies comics. the huge white dog had pink ribbons in its fur! and so, i asked the lady if i could take a photo of them. how touristy of me.
walking up the street, i realized that the cathedral's steeple looked great against the very blue winter sky. so did the St.Lars church..
i reached the bus stop only to be notified that the bus will be arriving 28 minutes later. so, i was touristy again and took a photo of the statue in stora torget(grand square). apparently, is a famous Statue of Folke Filbyter when he is seeking after his grand child. Folke Filbyter is a fairy person, nobody knows if he had exist or not. The name Filbyter means that he bit off the balls of foals. hahaha. the statue has been there since 1927.
with 26 more minutes to spare, i went to the supermarket near the bus stop and got myself the 2 for 22SEK biscuits and cakes! yay!
and with 10 more minutes to spare, i took one last photo downtown of the building near the bus stop. it's a nice change from the HDB flats and skyscrapers in Singapore.
and with that, i made my way back. having only spent half of my afternoon by then, i spent the other half chain watching sex and the city and eating nachos and chocolates. the cold makes me hungry. i can't help it! eventually, i decided nachos and chocolates werent the way to go and made myself a nice dinner of roasted frozen wedges and pita sandwiches, of which i only ate the filling and threw away most of the bread.
having filled my tummy with nice warm food, i made myself do something constructive instead of being a couch potato. i did the laundry! the laundry here is free and fast! the washing machine only takes 30 mins to wash a full load of 5kg! but the huge industrial sized dryer was in use so i had to use the pathetic small one which couldn't dry the clothes even after 1 hour. i discovered a really cool thing in the laundry "house". There's this room for you to hang clothes that cannot be put into the dryer and there is a fan that will blow hot air at it. It feels darn good to just stand in that room after coming in from the freezing cold. Haha. and since the socks werent dry, i made full use of the radiator!
after having the chocolate doughnut and some biscuits for breakfast, i continued to watch sex and the city.
i offered 5 to the 3 indian guys who stayed in this corridor and they said it was good. thank god they havent tried those in the stores or they'd throw my ugly egg tarts away. but it was good to taste something from home.
and that's my weekend alone in sweden so far. a frozen dinner, more sex and the city, some homework later, this weekend will be over and bb will be back to entertain me, and you won't have to read more nonsense like that! yay!
luv, junli.
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