finally here!

after a year of waiting and planning, a really long 13 hour flight on a big plane with a crying baby in front of us and a 1 hour flight on a teeny weeny baby plane, we're finally here! in linkoping! our home for 6 months!
the fact that we're gonna be the minority for the first time in our lives hit us at the airport when we were waiting to board the flight. the number of asians around could be counted using the toes on one foot! thank god the swedish aren't very racist people. we've been surviving well for the past few days since they are really nice and speak good english. phew~
from the plane, sweden looked like a highly unpopulated place with lots of greenery and lakes and seas. on land, it isn't much different! it's such a beautiful place with no high rise buildings or organized planting of trees. the buildings are all so simple and clean looking! it's a really complete change from singapore. a nice and refreshing change. i love it!
the weather has been pretty alrights..not very cold yet. but we got snow on the day we arrived! it's beautiful! but i hasn't snowed since. we've had a storm though and it's pretty scary. i was so worried that the tree outside the room would fall!
good things aside, everything here is super expensive. it's unbelievable! macdonalds are like twice the price of those in singapore and so is everything else! probably except the pick and mix candy in the supermarket! haha! ohh..and jetlag! oh jetlag! the 7 hours time difference is really a torture's 10pm here and 5am in singapore. it's inevitable to get tired by 7, 8pm but it gets better with passing days.
so far, we've cooked most of our dinners. we've had pasta, maggie porridge, sweet tom yam soup with little prawns, rice in weird ikan bilis stock + hot dogs, yummy mushroom rice with carrots and brocolli. we've also had bk and macs which arent very much different! oh! and ikea hotdog! tastes the same here as it does in singapore.
more photos to come soon! time to rest now!
luv, Junli
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